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Free Webinar mit Silvia Calisaya – Lake Titicaca

7. Mai 2023 @ 18:00 20:00

Silvia Calisaya is a traditional Aymara healer descendend of the pre-inca-people from the southern Lake Titikaka region. She was born and raised in a small highland village and left as young woman to pursue her education and professional life. Later she returned to the traditional teaching of her people.
Silvia Calisaya is an expert at the ancient art of reading coca leaves for healing and divination, and she is the founder of Coca Museum in Puno Peru.

In this FREE Live Webinar Silvia Calisaya would like to meet you and talk about her ancient medicine of the Aymara People.

We will have the privilige to meet her in Germany this summer.
Mesa Schule is organizing two Events with Silvia Calisaya.
Bremen 09.06.-13.06.2023
Freiburg 23.6.- 28.6.2023

Kostenloses Webinar mit Silvia
Sonntag 7. Mai 18 Uhr
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