- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Silvia Calisaya aus Peru in Bremen
9. Juni 2023 – 11. Juni 2023

Silvia Calisaya in Bremen
Anmeldeschluss 20. Mai 2023
Lecture Fri 09. Jun 2023 19-21
Workshop Sa 10.- Su 11. Jun 2023 9-16:30
Sessions Mo 12. & Tue 13. Jun 2023 9-16:30
Vinya Loft, Brunnenstraße 3-4, 28203 Bremen
Lerne die Medizin von Silvia kennen und schaue dir unser Vorbereitungs-Webinar an!
Join us in this powerful Healingspace, where Silvia will share her ancient wisdom from her Aymara Lineage. Dive with her into a powerfull Aymara-Cleansing, learn about the 13 principles of Living and attend a sacred Ceremony of Balance. Find Harmony in yourself with the Ritual of the Water and of the Wind. This weekend is a source of nourishment for your life-time.
Lecture is part of the Workshop.
Friday Evening Lecture
Learn about the ancient Pre-Inca culture of the Aymara. In Silvias Lecture we go far back in time to the roots of true Healing and Wholeness. Join us in this exploration of the ancient wisdom of Lake Titicaca.
Language: English (Madita will be there to translate in case of any missunderstandings, but the main Language will be english, as we will have guest from other Countries as well)
Seats are limited.
Private Healing Sessions
Mon 12th and Tue 13th June
Sessions are for Workshop Participants. You can book your appointment after enrolling for the Workshop.